St Lawrence Church
Stratford sub Castle

Churchwardens:      John Walsh Tel: 07913 867109
Sue Thomson Tel: 01722 782340

Families & Children

Families and Children at St. Lawrence

We warmly welcome families and Children to any of our services at St. Lawrence. There are treasure bags and resources in Church to help the children engage more fully in the services and to be an active part of the Church family.

Work with families and children is ongoing and developing and we now welcome a number of families who worship with us in our beautiful 800 year old Church.

On the 2nd Sunday of the month we hold our Together in Worship service which is more interactive and includes a craft activity for the children linked to the theme of the service.

O the 4th Sunday of the month we have begun a Family Fellowship time for families, this is held in the Reading Room (opposite the Church). It is a more informal session for families and children to meet together for Bible stories, prayers, games and craft activities related to the theme of the morning. It lasts for about 45minutes and the congregation from Matins service join for coffee and refreshments at 11 o’clock.

We have recently established a lending library of Christian books for children and parents. This is available at the above services.

With support from St. Francis a weekly Christian after school club (Sub Club) is held for school children Years 1 – 3. An annual Prayer space is held in school. This year it will take place over three days enabling all pupils access to spend time engaging with the activities.


9th March

Together in Worship


23rd March

Breakfast Church in Reading Room



30th March

Mothering Sunday Service


13th April

Palm Sunday Service with Procession from School

(Gathering at school 9.40am, with donkeys!)


18th April

Easter Garden Making

in the churchyard (weather permitting)


20th April

Easter Day Family Communion
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