The New Year will see the return of Kettle's On!
These seasonal coffee (or tea!) mornings are organised by the congregation of
St. Lawrence Church for the whole village community.
It is an opportunity to meet one another,
especially newcomers to the area, in a friendly and informal way.
Just come and go as you please - there is no need to book.
2nd Wednesday in each month
12th March
9 Castle Keep, off Stratford Road
Kindly hosted by Judy and Charles Villiers
Tel: 01722 500173
9th April
High Gables, The Portway
Kindly hosted by Karen and Andy Baxter
Tel: 07930 507506
Lent 2025 in the benefice!
Using the theme of Heart, Body, Mind, Rev'd Suzie has put together a programme
which engages us in our entirety this Lent.
There will be weekly Lent walks on Thursdays, and a book club
(using Kat Armas' book Sacred Belonging) on Tuesday mornings.
There will also be one-off sessions on creative writing, art,
a family session at Five Rivers Leisure Centre and a treasure hunt.
Why not look at your diary now and make some room
to journey through Lent in a different way this year!
More details here
At Easter we always plan to have lilies to decorate our lovely church.
In the past people have made donations towards the lilies
in memory of a loved one or as a kind gift
and we very much hope that this will continue this year.
Donations may be made by cheque, payable to St. Lawrence PCC
and given to the Hon. Treasurer, Nigel Afford,
or to either of the churchwardens, John Walsh or Sue Thomson,
or by BACS to St. Lawrence PCC at Lloyds Bank Salisbury, 30-91-41 account no: 01596546.
Every penny given to our church is spent carefully.
We won't purchase more flowers than is necessary.
Should donations exceed our specific need,
any surplus will be used to support our mission.
If anyone would like to join in helping with the window decorations at Easter,
or for any other festival, please let me know.
Anne Nash
Every six years the Church Electoral Roll needs to be rewritten; 2025 is that sixth year!
Everyone who wants to be on the roll needs to apply - including
those whose names are on the current roll.
There are benefits to being on the Church Electoral Roll - it is used to determine eligibility for attendance and participation in the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) and for election to the Parochial Church Council (PCC). It is also used to determine eligibility for election to the Deanery Synod Diocesan and General Synods.
The process needs to be completed by the APCM, which this year will take place
on Sunday 18th May at 11.15am.
Further information and the appropriate form will be available by 15th March.
Jeff Long
Electoral Roll Officer
01722 324421
Will be held in the Reading Room on the
1st Tuesday of each month,
9.30 - 10.30am
including time for refreshments and fellowship.
All welcome!
Now using the Christian Art app/website, looking at a different piece of art, together with a reflection, each month. You can access the website or download the app to receive a new piece of artwork and reflection, completely free, each day. Click the link:
will take place on the
2nd Sunday of the month
From April until October the time of Evensong will be 6pm and
between November-March the service will take place at 4pm.
There will be no Evensong in December.
Reece Lewis & Jodie Coulbeck - 1.00pm on 21st June
Please pray for these couples as they begin this new chapter in their lives.
God is love, and those who live in love live in God and God lives in them.
1 John 4:16
Olive and Mya - 11.00am on 25th May
We give a knitted Prayer Bear to every child baptised at St. Lawrence. If you would like to knit one from a simple pattern or know someone else who would enjoy creating one, please contact Heather Balston for details - 01722 411628.