St Lawrence Church
Stratford sub Castle

Churchwardens:      John Walsh Tel: 07913 867109
Sue Thomson Tel: 01722 782340

Vicar's letter

2025 March      Letter from our Priest

Dear friends,

Loving ourselves for the good of others

As we embark upon March, we also begin Lent (Ash Wednesday is on 5th March this year).  Quite early into my ministry here amongst you I began reflecting on how I love God with all of myself.  (We are after all made in his image and if I love God and all he has made then I should love myself too).  Indeed, Jesus himself taught us (in Matthew 22.37) to “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”.  This is worth pondering on.  As I arrived and whilst I was spending time getting to know new people and the new settings I found myself part of (along with experiencing all that change means when you move) I began concentrating on my health by taking up Pilates, on my mind (picking up books to read and learn, not just enjoyment), and living out a life of love from litter picking to visiting people.  I realised I was beginning to embody and understand what loving God with all of myself better looked like (and perhaps had gotten lost in the busyness and demands of life before I moved.  Moving or change in life often gives us opportunity and reason for that much needed reflection and re-evaluation of oneself).  And as Christmas passed and Lent approached, I wondered how I could encourage others in loving oneself as an expression of loving God in the people he made us to be, and therefore to better enable us to love others too.  And so, an initiative called Heart, Body and Mind evolved.  A series of opportunities for us to engage in Lent with intentionally endeavouring to expand our minds, grow in strength (and improving our physical health) and getting involved in practical ways of expressing love was born. 

Sadly, this year (as a first year) and because it is an invitation for the church congregations across our benefice (group of churches) we have had to restrict numbers, but with book clubs, walks, swims, litter picks and more I hope it grows and next year we can come together as whole communities and offer it to all. So, for this year I leave us all with that thought – where are we at with our learning (growing in knowledge)?  Are we still open to learning?  Are we still trying to learn?  (We should never stop in my opinion).  How are we loving our fellow human beings?  Loving ourselves?  Do we discriminate maybe? Do we limit ourselves in showing love to others?  Are we looking after the bodies we have?  How might we better look after this body we have been blessed with?

Whatever you do this month perhaps spend a few moments contemplating these last questions and make a small change somewhere that enables learning, looks after our bodies or blesses others…






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